"I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I an addict of crack cocaine"- said Ford in May of 2013, at first denying his obvious drug use that was caught on video.
Then in November he finally admitted, "Yes I have used crack cocaine, probably in one of my drunken stupors."
So he smokes crack, as a mayor, and was still the mayor for some time. The second was said after he "had a little bit". Not only does he do drugs, he makes public announcements while under the influence.
Then later, he had his public announcement about the adultery accusation; "She said I ate her p****, I'm happily married, I've got plenty to eat at home." How can a public official say that ON TELEVISION and not be impeached, voted out of office, something? Anything? No? It was a very clever statement if you're a high schooler or frat boy talking with your buddies but to make a statement like that on television? Come on Toronto, how did this guy win the election?
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